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- {******************************************************************************}
- { }
- { GmOrientationImage.pas v2.61 Pro }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) 2001 Graham Murt - www.MurtSoft.co.uk }
- { }
- { Feel free to e-mail me with any comments, suggestions, bugs or help at: }
- { }
- { graham@murtsoft.co.uk }
- { }
- {******************************************************************************}
- unit GmOrientationImage;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, GmTypes,
- GmPreview, Buttons, GmConst;
- type
- TGmOrientationPage = class(TGmPaperImage)
- private
- FOrientation: TGmOrientation;
- FShowHeaderFooter: Boolean;
- procedure SetOrientation(AOrientation: TGmOrientation);
- procedure DrawHeaderFooter(Canvas: TCanvas; AArea: TRect; Border: integer);
- protected
- procedure Paint; override;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property Orientation: TGmOrientation read FOrientation write SetOrientation;
- end;
- TGmOrientationImage = class(TWinControl)
- private
- FBorderStyle: TBorderStyle;
- FBtnPortrait: TSpeedButton;
- FBtnLandscape: TSpeedButton;
- FOrientation: TGmOrientation;
- FPreview: TGmPreview;
- FPageImage: TGmOrientationPage;
- FShowButtons: Boolean;
- FShowHeaderFooter: Boolean;
- // events...
- FOnChanging: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnClickPortrait: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnClickLandscape: TNotifyEvent;
- function GetAbout: string;
- function GetVersion: Extended;
- procedure SetAbout(const AValue: string);
- procedure BtnClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure SetGmPreview(APreview: TGmPreview);
- procedure SetOrientation(AOrientation: TGmOrientation);
- procedure SetShadow(AShadow: TGmShadow);
- procedure SetShowButtons(AValue: Boolean);
- procedure SetShowHeaderFooter(AValue: Boolean);
- function GetShadow: TGmShadow;
- procedure SetBorderStyle(const Value: TBorderStyle);
- { Private declarations }
- protected
- procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
- procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override;
- // update messages...
- procedure OrientationChanged(var Message: TMessage); message GM_ORIENTATION_CHANGED;
- procedure ComponentResize(var Message: TMessage); message WM_SIZE;
- { Protected declarations }
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- property Version: Extended read GetVersion;
- { Public declarations }
- published
- property About: string read GetAbout write SetAbout;
- property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle read FBorderStyle write SetBorderStyle default bsSingle;
- property Color default clGray;
- property Orientation: TGmOrientation read FOrientation write SetOrientation;
- property ParentColor;
- property Preview: TGmPreview read FPreview write SetGmPreview;
- property ShowHint;
- property Shadow: TGmShadow read GetShadow write SetShadow;
- property ShowButtons: Boolean read FShowButtons write SetShowButtons default True;
- property ShowHeaderFooter: Boolean read FShowHeaderFooter write SetShowHeaderFooter default True;
- property Visible;
- // events
- property OnChanging: TNotifyEvent read FOnChanging write FOnChanging;
- property OnClickPortrait: TNotifyEvent read FOnClickPortrait write FOnClickPortrait;
- property OnClickLandscape: TNotifyEvent read FOnClickLandscape write FOnClickLandscape;
- { Published declarations }
- end;
- implementation
- {$R OrienRes.RES}
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- procedure TGmOrientationPage.SetOrientation(AOrientation: TGmOrientation);
- var
- TempVal: integer;
- begin
- // set the orientation of the TGmOrientationImage page...
- if FOrientation <> AOrientation then
- begin
- FOrientation := AOrientation;
- // resize page...
- TempVal := Width;
- Width := Height;
- Height := TempVal;
- Top := (TWinControl(Owner).Height - Height) div 2;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGmOrientationPage.DrawHeaderFooter(Canvas: TCanvas; AArea: TRect; Border: integer);
- begin
- // draw a header and footer on the page image...
- if FShowHeaderFooter then
- begin
- Canvas.Pen.Color := $00777777;
- Canvas.Polyline([Point(AArea.Left+Border, AArea.Top+Border) , Point(AArea.Right-Border, AArea.Top+Border)]);
- Canvas.Polyline([Point(AArea.Left+Border, AArea.Bottom-Border), Point(AArea.Right-Border, AArea.Bottom-Border)]);
- end;
- end;
- constructor TGmOrientationPage.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- Shadow := TGmShadow.Create;
- Gutter := 5;
- end;
- destructor TGmOrientationPage.Destroy;
- begin
- Shadow.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TGmOrientationPage.Paint;
- var
- AChar: Char;
- TextPos: TPoint;
- PageArea: TRect;
- begin
- // paint the page...
- inherited;
- with Canvas do
- begin
- Pen.Style := psSolid;
- PageArea := PageRect;
- DrawHeaderFooter(Canvas, PageArea, 6);
- Font.Name := 'Times New Roman';
- Font.Size := 16;
- Font.Color := clSilver;
- Brush.Style := bsClear;
- if FOrientation = gmPortrait then AChar := 'P' else AChar := 'L';
- TextPos.x := (Width - TextWidth(AChar)) div 2;
- TextPos.y := (Height - TextHeight(AChar)) div 2;
- TextOut(TextPos.x, TextPos.y ,AChar);
- end;
- end;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- constructor TGmOrientationImage.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FBorderStyle := bsSingle;
- Color := clGray;
- Width := 121;
- Height := 89;
- FPageImage := TGmOrientationPage.Create(Self);
- FPageImage.FShowHeaderFooter := True;
- FShowHeaderFooter := True;
- with FPageImage do
- begin
- Left := 40;
- Width := 50;
- Height := 65;
- Shadow.Width := 2;
- Parent := Self;
- end;
- FShowButtons := False;
- Orientation := gmPortrait;
- SetShowButtons(True);
- end;
- destructor TGmOrientationImage.Destroy;
- begin
- // free the TGmOrientationImage and destroy...
- if Assigned(FPreview) then FPreview.RemoveAssociatedComponent(Self);
- if Assigned(FBtnPortrait) then FBtnPortrait.Free;
- if Assigned(FBtnLandscape) then FBtnLandscape.Free;
- FPageImage.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- function TGmOrientationImage.GetAbout: string;
- begin
- Result := Self.ClassName+' v'+FloatToStr(GetVersion);
- end;
- function TGmOrientationImage.GetVersion: Extended;
- begin
- Result := SUITE_VERSION;
- end;
- procedure TGmOrientationImage.SetAbout(const AValue: string);
- begin
- // does nothing.
- end;
- procedure TGmOrientationImage.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
- const
- BorderStyles: array[TBorderStyle] of DWORD = (0, WS_BORDER);
- begin
- inherited CreateParams(Params);
- with Params do
- begin
- Style := Style or BorderStyles[FBorderStyle];
- if NewStyleControls and Ctl3D and (FBorderStyle = bsSingle) then
- begin
- Style := Style and not WS_BORDER;
- ExStyle := ExStyle or WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGmOrientationImage.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation);
- begin
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FPreview) then
- FPreview := nil;
- end;
- procedure TGmOrientationImage.OrientationChanged(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- // keep the orientation in syncronization with the TGmPreview...
- Orientation := FPreview.Orientation;
- end;
- procedure TGmOrientationImage.ComponentResize(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- FBtnPortrait.SetBounds((Width div 2) - 44, (Height div 2) - 26, FBtnPortrait.Width, FBtnPortrait.Height);
- FBtnLandscape.SetBounds((Width div 2) - 44, (Height div 2) + 2, FBtnLandscape.Width, FBtnLandscape.Height);
- FPageImage.SetBounds((Width div 2) -14, (Height div 2) - 32, FPageImage.Width, FPageImage.Height);
- end;
- procedure TGmOrientationImage.BtnClick(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- // call the button events when clicked...
- if Assigned(FOnChanging) then FOnChanging(Self);
- if (Sender = FBtnPortrait) and (Orientation <> gmPortrait) then
- begin
- if Assigned(FPreview) then FPreview.Orientation := gmPortrait;
- if Assigned(FOnClickPortrait) then FOnClickPortrait(Self);
- end
- else
- if (Sender = FBtnLandscape) and (Orientation <> gmLandscape) then
- begin
- if Assigned(FPreview) then FPreview.Orientation := gmLandscape;
- if Assigned(FOnClickLandscape) then FOnClickLandscape(Self);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGmOrientationImage.SetGmPreview(APreview: TGmPreview);
- begin
- // assign the Preview property to a TGmPreview...
- if Assigned(FPreview) then FPreview.RemoveAssociatedComponent(Self);
- FPreview := APreview;
- if Assigned(FPreview) then
- begin
- FPreview.AddAssociatedComponent(Self);
- Orientation := FPreview.Orientation;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGmOrientationImage.SetOrientation(AOrientation: TGmOrientation);
- begin
- // change the orientation...
- FOrientation := AOrientation;
- FPageImage.Orientation := AOrientation;
- // select the correct button...
- if FShowButtons then
- begin
- FBtnPortrait.Down := AOrientation = gmPortrait;
- FBtnLandscape.Down := AOrientation = gmLandscape;
- end;
- if Assigned(FPreview) then FPreview.Orientation := AOrientation;
- //Invalidate;
- end;
- procedure TGmOrientationImage.SetShadow(AShadow: TGmShadow);
- begin
- FPageImage.Shadow := AShadow;
- FPageImage.Invalidate;
- end;
- procedure TGmOrientationImage.SetShowButtons(AValue: Boolean);
- begin
- // show or hide the buttons...
- if FShowButtons <> AValue then
- begin
- if AValue = True then
- begin
- FPageImage.Left := 40;
- FBtnPortrait := TSpeedButton.Create(Self);
- with FBtnPortrait do
- begin
- Top := 6;
- Left := 8;
- Glyph.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'BTNPORT');
- GroupIndex := 1;
- Down := True;
- OnClick := BtnClick;
- end;
- FBtnLandscape := TSpeedButton.Create(Self);
- with FBtnLandscape do
- begin
- Top := 34;
- Left := 8;
- Glyph.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'BTNLAND');
- GroupIndex := 1;
- OnClick := BtnClick;
- end;
- FBtnPortrait.Parent := Self;
- FBtnLandscape.Parent := Self;
- end
- else
- begin
- FPageImage.Left := 4;
- FBtnPortrait.Free;
- FBtnLandscape.Free;
- FBtnPortrait := nil;
- FBtnLandscape := nil;
- end;
- FShowButtons := AValue;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGmOrientationImage.SetShowHeaderFooter(AValue: Boolean);
- begin
- // show or hide the header/footer...
- FShowHeaderFooter := AValue;
- FPageImage.FShowHeaderFooter := AValue;
- FPageImage.Repaint;
- end;
- function TGmOrientationImage.GetShadow: TGmShadow;
- begin
- // return the TGmShadow object...
- Result := FPageImage.Shadow;
- end;
- procedure TGmOrientationImage.SetBorderStyle(const Value: TBorderStyle);
- begin
- if FBorderStyle <> Value then
- begin
- FBorderStyle := Value;
- RecreateWnd;
- end;
- end;
- end.